Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Well,well,well...So the deadline for The FountainHead has come and gone. But guess what, I have not completed the reading! Look at me turning into the grand slacker. Anyhow, I'm only 52 pages into the book and I don't quite know what to say about it. One thing to note however, is that I definitely see a trend from the last novel I read of Rand's (Atlas Shrugged) with her tendency to highlight the beauty of things manufactured, man-made, and constructed. As well as her fascination with originality.

I kinda see this story going in the direction of...The sad, persecuted, hated, despised and unloved guy who takes care of himself all his life with the help of no one else, who happens to also be a genius turns into the hero and savior of modern times. Don't know just a modest guess. We'll see as the pages turn...


Fountainhead is thick as sh!t. My ex made me read it and I never did finish it. ZZZZzzzzzzzz.

You should read shorter books. I remember seeing you lug around Che....I thought you were going to tip over.
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